Welcome to
Welcome to my course ‘Life Unlimited: Ten Steps to Real Change’
Thank you for looking into this course and I’m glad you’ve done so because I do believe it’ll going to provide you with invaluable insights, ideas and suggestions to significantly improve your self-esteem, relationships and your quality of life generally. I would love to hear your feedback on any aspect of it, so please do feel free to email me with any once you’ve completed it.
As I said on the Home page though, books, courses and podcasts etc are not substitutes for good therapy. You can also therefore contact me about therapy sessions if you’d like to look at all or any of the issues I talk about in the course within a therapeutic relationship. Otherwise, I wish you all the best with this journey and hope and trust you'll find it helpful,

Video 01
Provides a detailed explanation of the basic theory to be used throughout the rest of the videos.

Video 02
An exploration of the ways in which ‘dominant threat’ and/or ‘dominant reward’ may currently be manifesting in your life.

Video 03
Covers some points to help with your process of change generally and moves onto the first Step - taking personal responsibility.

Video 04
A detailed look at Step 2 and making sure you’re clear about what connection/love currently is in your life.

Video 05
Covers the first part of the next Step of getting to know yourself. It focusses on the first aspect of this - your thoughts.

Video 06
A continuation of the Step of getting to know yourself and one of the most aspects of this - your feelings.

Video 07
Finishing off on the Step of getting to know yourself, this video covers your body and your behaviours.

Video 08
An exploration of Step 5 and developing your ‘Guide’, particularly looking at the powerful potential of mindfulness in this process.

Video 09
Looks at both of Steps 7 and 8, how you can use your creative imagination to enhance your well-being and how to enjoy yourself in a balanced and skilful way.

Video 10
Explores Step 8 of connecting with others and how you can use relationships with others as a key way to well-being.

Video 11
Following on from looking at relationships with others, this last video explores two important aspects of your relationships with others: how you choose and hold boundaries and how you communicate with others in ways that will best get your needs met in relationships.